A choke on a lawn mower is an important component that ensures smooth starting of the engine. Despite its small size, the choke plays a critical role in the overall performance of the lawn mower. In this article, we will explore what a choke is, how it works, and why it is essential for a lawn mower to function properly.
The Choke on a Lawn Mower

What is Choke?
First, let us define what a choke is. Simply put, a choke is a device that restricts the flow of air into the engine of a lawn mower. This reduction in air flow causes an increase in the concentration of fuel in the engine, which in turn helps the engine start more easily. The choke operates by closing off the air intake to the carburetor, which allows more fuel to flow into the engine.
Choke operation
When you start a lawn mower, the engine is cold and requires a rich fuel-to-air mixture to run efficiently. This rich mixture helps the engine start and keep running until it warms up. Once the engine warms up, the choke opens up and allows a normal fuel-to-air mixture to flow into the engine, ensuring proper functioning.
Usages of Choke
The choke lever is usually located near the carburetor and is operated manually. To start the lawn mower, you must engage the choke lever and then pull the starter cord. Once the engine starts running, you can slowly release the choke lever and allow the engine to warm up. It is important to note that if the choke lever is not released once the engine starts, the engine can stall or run poorly.
Safety Usage
In addition to helping start the engine, the choke also serves as a safety feature. In the event of a carburetor flood, the choke can help clear excess fuel from the engine. To do this, simply engage the choke lever, pull the starter cord, and let the engine run until the excess fuel has cleared.
Final Words
In conclusion, the choke on a push mower is a critical component that ensures smooth starting of the engine. By restricting the flow of air into the engine, the choke creates a rich fuel-to-air mixture, which helps the engine start and run efficiently until it warms up. The choke lever is usually located near the carburetor and is operated manually. It is important to properly use the choke lever to ensure the proper functioning of the lawn mower and to keep it running smoothly.